Friday, May 25, 2012

In Our Small, Small Pond

It is getting warmer out and the wildlife around ponds and lakes are emerging and growing. It is a perfect time to discuss ponds and the animals you find around them; in particular turtles.

It inspired me to do an art activity that I have been meaning to try for a long time; turtles made with bubble wrap.

First you need green paint and bubble wrap. I cut my bubble wrap into circles. This acts as the shell of the turtle. I also had blue construction paper, but you can really use whatever color you like.

Have your child paint the bumpy side of the bubble wrap. I had my friends feel the smooth side and then the bumpy side for an extra lesson on sensory. Some friends laid the paint on thick and some hardly put any on. A word of caution, more paint will take forever to dry.


Next I had my friends flip over the bubble wrap and tap, tap, tap the "turtle shell" with the help of parents.

Then I had my friends draw legs and a head. I reminded the parents that it does not matter where the legs and head are, I just want them to try and draw them. Remember it is process and not product.

We finished off our class with a few fun pond songs and our sensory tub full of water and plastic turtles. Whenever water is in our class we spend a long time at the sensory table. Water+Children=Fun!

Here are some links to other great pond activities.

 Pretend Pond Play at Greening Sam and Avery.
Walnut Shell Turtles at No Time For Flashcards
Tadpole Sensory Tub at make, do & friend.
Pond Sensory Table at Familylicious.

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