
Sunday, April 22, 2012

Earth Day April 22

I am going to touch base on Earth Day in my class. I know my smaller friends will not get the bigger concept but I know they can understand cleaning up. What better way to understand picking up trash and/or recycling than a garbage truck! My kids run to the window on garbage day. We get to see three trucks go by; the garbage, recycle, and yard waste truck. 

Book: I Stink by Kate & Jim McMullan.

Art/Craft: We created our own garbage/recycle truck with shapes. I found this over at No Time for Flash Cards and Mommy and Me Book Club. These are two bloggers that I follow and respect.

You will need construction paper cut into a square, a rectangle, a triangle, and circles for tires. Glue and scissors and a marker for decorating. I used a paper grocery bag that I cut into two for my boys to glue the garbage truck to.

This is one done by my 5 year old son. He had fun making the garbage and recycle sign. 

I cannot wait to do this with my younger friends and have them paint the garbage truck with chocolate pudding. They can get the truck good and dirty while having some sensory play!

I like this art activity because it uses shapes and we get to discuss the benefits of picking up trash. Two for one is always good. 

Songs: I got this song from one of my preschool teacher books.

What Can We Do? sung to a tisket a tasket
It’s earth day, it’s earth day
what can we do on earth day
to make the world a better place?
Let’s [pick up trash] on earth day
continue with plant a tree, recycle, walk outside, save water

In my sensory bin I placed rocks (not too small for my little ones) with soap and paint brushes. The children got to clean our rocks. 

Here are some other ideas for Earth Day from a blogger I enjoy; Debbie Clement. She has this great pin board on Pinterest

How are you celebrating Earth Day? 

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