
Thursday, January 12, 2012

Shaving Cream Painting

Tonight, to keep my boy's occupied while I was cooking dinner I had them paint. I did not use any old paint, tonight we painted with shaving cream and food coloring. Needless to say it was a big hit!

First you put shaving cream on a plate or cookie sheet. Next you put different color food coloring On different parts of the shaving cream. Then you swirl into designs. Let the kids do this and remember there is no wrong way. It is all about the process.

Finally you take a piece of white paper and gently place it on the shaving cream and rub ever so gently.
When you take the paper off it will be full of cream. Gently scrap that off and the original design will be revealed.

My kids took it to the next level and painted their hands, arms and then eventually the table. I decided to let them do it and I am glad I did. it was so freeing to let it go and let them make a mess. We all had a great laugh and our night was so much fun after that.

Just added the food coloring.
Mixing up the food coloring to get a design.

Result after scrapping off shaving cream.
Then the real fun begins!

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